Saturday 16th September – Clitheroe Clogfest!
Oakendale, Strictly Clog, Lancashire Wallopers, Dukes Dandy, and Camden Clog performaing in and around Clitheroe Castle:
10.30am to 11.15am – Clitheroe Castle
11.30pm to 12.15pm – Clitheroe Castle, Holmes Mill & near Park Bandstand
1.15pm to 2.15pm – Clitheroe Market
2.30pm-3.15pm – Clitheroe Castle, Holmes Mill & near Park Bandstand
3.30pm to 4.15pm – Clitheroe Castle
Sunday 17th September – Lancashire & Cheshire Clog Dance Competitions
9.00am Registration and Practice
10.00am Open Style Group competition
Junior competition
Senior & Novice competition
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Registration and Practice
2.00pm Championship
Waltz competition
Old Lancs Heel & Toe competition
4.00pm Prize Presentations
Please note we must clear the castle by 5pm